Thursday, January 23, 2020

It's Been A While ...

It's been a while since I've written anything on this blog. I've share some things to my Facebook page, but that is about it. There are a few reasons for that.

Firstly, my dad had a lengthy illness and then passed away. I was ill myself and wasn't much  help to my immediate family let alone much of a blogger. We lost his in October and I know he is now in a better place. 

Over a year ago, I broke my right ankle and had to have two different surgeries. It's still not completely healed.  I'm very discouraged as I move around with a walker. It's left me with some lymphoma and that just makes my weight battle even harder. 

I was going to sell a line a clothing and found it to be too much for a challenge because it was getting hard to see. So, I went to the eye doctor thinking I would just need a stronger prescription. Oh no. It turns out that I was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy. That is the bleeding of blood vessels in the back of my eyes. It seems that when it rains, it pours.  Not all diabetics get this but having it a long time can ca;use it. It's 12 years for me.

I've already had laser eye surgery and a shot in each of my eyes. There will be more shorts to come, I'm hopeful that my eyesight will improve by the end of this treatment. We shall see.

I haven't had a good cry over all of this. Maybe I've broken down here or there but I've not had a soul cleansing cry. Somehow that would make me feel weak even though I would not think less of others who might do the same. 

I will try to keep this blog a little more current. It does help me a little as a re;ease pf [emt pf feelings. Please forgive any typos you might see in advance.  I'm doing the best that I can as my vision hopefully improves.

I hope you're having a great day and I'll try to write again soon.


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