Friday, March 6, 2015

A Bit Of Housekeeping

A Bit Of Housekeeping ...

If you follow this blog, you may have noticed that my posts disappeared in December 2014.  I did that on purpose because I decided to start over. I've been contemplating on what direction this blog should take.

The decision is just keep it simple,  I just want to express myself and hone my writing.  I would love it if you would join me.  I'm just going to write about what interests me. You'll hear a lot about living in the county, my writing, a book I have in progress, prayers, affirmations, and faith.  I have many facets and hope that they all shine.

If you want to follow along on Facebook,  here's the link. .

Fresh Air

It felt good to breathe in some fresh air this morning as I rode around the pastures with my husband as he did chores. Yesterday felt like winter and today it feels we've stepped into spring.

I'm more than ready for it.