Monday, September 21, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

555 In Angel Numbers

Today, I've been seeing the numbers 555 at different times all day long. So, I went to Doreen Virtue's website to read up on it.

Quoting from her, 555 in Angel Numbers means ...

"5's mean that you are going through a positive change.

The more times you see this number, the more this message is emphasized.
Therefore, 555 is a triple number, so it's 5 triply emphasized.

555 means you're going through a major life change. It can also signal that this big change is coming up ahead, so prepare for it now. 555 can also be a validation that the change you're contemplating is the best direction for you to take.

555 always signals a divinely guided change, so trust that you'll be watched over during this change, as it's part of your soul's path. When you add up the three 5's, the sum is 15, which is 6 when you add the 1 to the 5. 6 in Angel Numbers speaks about losing your fears about your earthly supply, and trusting that you'll be financially and otherwise supported as you make this change." - Doreen Virtue

I love what the angels are trying to tell me in number combinations.

Here's where I found the information.
If you see 555 everywhere you go, here's the meaning of the numbers from my book, Angel Numbers 101: 5's mean that you are going through a positive change. The more times you see this number, the more this message is emphasized....|By Doreen Virtue